Welcome to the new Olivia Navarro Photography blog!

This is where you can view my most recent sessions, hear about any upcoming specials, and generally read any ramblings I feel like posting. I love to hear feedback so be sure to leave a comment!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Parker Newborn Photographer--Meet "L"

I had the chance to meet a very sweet newborn last month and I'm going to use my new blog as an opportunity to share some of her pictures. Little "L" was a very good girl for me and she has an adoring older sister who you might recognize from my "Girls" gallery.

My new cover girl. :-)


  1. Great images, the 2nd is a masterpiece!

  2. oh my goodness these are so cute!!

  3. I love the second and third one! The final photo is so sweet and the expression is perfect!

  4. It's not possible to be any cuter! She is positively precious! Wonderful job on these!

  5. So, so sweet and adorable! All of them. Lovely!

  6. oh my goodness, the expression on that last one! lol
